Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Post partum bliss

Well folks, I officially love being a mom.  I could just kiss Sophia all day, no joke.  Its pretty amazing on how little sleep you can survive, and still be so happy.  But how could you not be with an adorable little baby in your life?  One of my favorite things is rocking her to sleep at night.  Kostya and I love to sing her this Russian song called Kolybelnaya by Alexander Rosenbaum.  I just love the words, they are so precious and it actually brings tears to my eyes when I sing it to her.  Maybe sometime I'll post the lyrics with a translation.

Poor Sophia has a cold, which breaks my heart.  She's good about it but I can tell its uncomfortable for her.  Hopefully that will pass soon.  Even with the cold she still manages to crack a smile every now and then :)

Yesterday was my first day back to work and it actually went pretty well.  I really like the fact that I can go to work at 6 and be home by 2.  That way I don't feel like I've been away from her for the whole day.  I was a little worried there for a few weeks because they decided to reorganize my team while I was on maternity leave so I wasn't sure I was going to have a full time job when I got back.  But I interviewed for the Lead Reviewer position and, thankfully, got the job.  By the way, it was probably the most awkward interview of my life.  The questions were unlike any other questions I've gotten in an interview and they really threw me off.  I could barely answer a few of them.  It was pretty embarrassing.  But I got through it, and still managed to get hired :) 

Kostya is doing great in school.  He did his first solo flight last week.  He was pretty nervous to fly alone for the first time.  But he did so well!  His landings looked so good and he felt so confident after he finished.  I'm really proud of him and I'm so happy that he's getting to do what he loves. 

1 comment:

  1. How lucky is Kostya to have such a supportive wife??? Seriously- that is so awesome that he is doing something that he loves and is a dream instead of just doing something to pay the bills...which is awesome too, but I think it is so cool of you guys to go out and be brave for the things you want! And Sophia is lucky too to have a mom willing to work outside of the home AND at home! Seriously a tough job! Way to go!
