Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Beginning

We have a blog!!! Yay!!  (Kostya just laughed at me)  Anyway, I think its cool.  Hopefully, I will be able to keep up with this.  Well so much has happened.  I got married.  In case you didn't already know, I married a crazy communist Russian named Konstatnin, or Kostya for short.  JK!  He's not really crazy.  :P  Just communist and Russian.  Ok fine, he's not communist either.  But it sounds more exciting that way doesn't it?  He's laying his head on my shoulder right now, and hasn't let go of my left arm for the last ten minutes.  Oh the sacrifices we make....

Who am I kidding, I love Kostya, and I love when he needs me.

I got a job at  Its pretty great.  The benefits rock and its a fun environment.  Plus I get to look at historical documents and do family history all day!  I may be a nerd, but I love it!

Kostya told me he thinks that I should do a blog post about how we met so that people stop asking.  Not a bad idea, maybe then I can just pass out a URL link anytime someone asks.  We had thought about brochures, but this would save us a lot in printing costs.

Well folks, stay tuned.  There is surely more to come from the Petrunin family!


  1. So excited for you... you will love blogging I do :)

    working on your photos and pleeeez let me know when you guys wanna move forward. (I should probably say that you your mom huh?) anyways... keep me posted and congrats. looks great.

  2. Happy to add this to my list of blogs I check! It will definitely be amusing :) You guys are funny. Glad you got a better(?) slash good important to like what you are doing or else life sucks for real. Good luck!

  3. yay for blogging! i loved this post and i'm excited to read more :)

  4. Claudia, I sent you an email to, let me know what you think.

  5. Well well I'm patiently waiting on your blog about how you guys met but no hurry .. ;)
